Jupyter Notebooks¶
To work through these guides you must
- Be a member of a project in the BriCS portal
- Have followed the instructions in Getting Started to set up SSH login and create a valid SSH certificate for authenticating to BriCS facilities (using the
command line tool) - Have followed the instructions to install Conda in your user storage space
Start an interactive JupyterLab session on a compute node¶
This guide outlines a procedure for starting a JupyterLab server on a Grace Hopper Superchip on a compute node and connecting to this from a web browser on your computer using an SSH tunnel.
Connect to a login node over SSH, following the instructions in the guide on logging in.
On the login node, activate the Conda base environment, e.g. for Conda installed using the instructions to install Conda
source ~/miniforge3/bin/activate
Create a Conda environment with JupyterLab installed, e.g. using the Conda environment file jupyter-user-example-environment.yml
name: jupyter-user-env
- conda-forge
- nodefaults
# JupyterLab user interface
- jupyterlab >=4.2,<5.0
# Jupyter Notebook classic interface v7, built on modern Jupyter Lab & Jupyter Server
- notebook >=7.2,<8.0
and the conda env create
conda env create --file jupyter-user-example-environment.yml
From the login node, submit a job which starts the JupyterLab server on a Grace Hopper Superchip on a compute node, e.g. using the submission script submit_example_jupyter_user_session.sh
#SBATCH --job-name=jupyter_user_session
#SBATCH --gpus=1 # this also allocates 72 CPU cores and 115GB memory
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
source ~/miniforge3/bin/activate jupyter-user-env
# This line adds the prepared kernels to the Jupyter path
export JUPYTER_PATH=/tools/brics/jupyter/jupyter_data${JUPYTER_PATH:+:}${JUPYTER_PATH:-}
LISTEN_IP=$(dig ${HOSTNAME} A +short)
set -o xtrace
jupyter lab --no-browser --ip=${LISTEN_IP} --port=${LISTEN_PORT}
and the sbatch
$ sbatch submit_example_jupyter_user_session.sh
Submitted batch job 11012
Note the job ID returned by sbatch
for future reference (11012 in the above example).
Request resources for the interactive session in the submission script
The resources requested in the job script (via #SBATCH
directives) control the resources available for the Jupyter session and may need to be adjusted for your requirements. For example, the --time
option sets the maximum runtime requested for the job and should be set to accommodate the length of time you expect to be working interactively. See the slurm documentation and sbatch man page for further information on specifying resources.
Once the job starts running, examine the output file (by default, named slurm-<JOB_ID>.out
), e.g.
$ cat slurm-11012.out
+ jupyter lab --no-browser --ip= --port=8888
[I 2024-06-28 15:08:55.458 ServerApp] jupyter_lsp | extension was successfully linked.
[I 2024-06-28 15:08:55.463 ServerApp] jupyter_server_terminals | extension was successfully linked.
[I 2024-06-28 15:08:55.468 ServerApp] jupyterlab | extension was successfully linked.
[I 2024-06-28 15:08:55.472 ServerApp] notebook | extension was successfully linked.
Near the start of the JupyterLab output there should be some URLs for accessing the server, e.g.
To access the server, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
In the above output there are 2 URLs of the form
The following information will be required to set up a connection to the Jupyter server running on the compute node from a web browser on your computer:
IP address and port- The Jupyter server is listening on this IP address and port on the compute node. The
IP address is the address of the compute node on the Slingshot High-Speed Network (HSN). This<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT>
combination will be used to set up an SSH tunnel from your computer to the Jupyter server. - Authentication token (
in the URL query string) - The token is used to authenticate to the Jupyter server when connecting from a web browser on your computer. The token can be copied from either of the URLs on the output.
Now the Jupyter server is running on a compute node and listening on a HSN IP address, an SSH tunnel can be used to allow a browser running on your computer to connect to the server on the compute node and control a Jupyter session.
Using the SSH certificate and the SSH configuration settings generated by the clifton
tool (see the guide to logging in), we can establish an SSH tunnel that forwards a local port on your computer to the compute node HSN IP address and port that JupyterLab is listening on.
To forward connections to http://localhost:8888
in a web browser on your computer to the HSN IP address and port from JupyterLab's output using a project-specific host configuration generated by clifton ssh-config
, run the following command in a terminal on your computer
ssh -T -L localhost:8888:<IP_ADDRESS>:<PORT> <PROJECT>.ai.isambard
substituting the IP address and port from JupyterLab's output for <IP_ADDRESS>
and <PORT>
, and the project's short name for <PROJECT>
. For example, connecting to an account in a project with short name "example" using the IP address and port from the above example output (
) the command would be
ssh -T -L localhost:8888: example.ai.isambard
This SSH command establishes a tunnel such that connections to localhost:8888
on your computer will be forwarded to the compute node IP address and port on Isambard-AI where JupyterLab is listening, allowing applications running on your computer (such as your web browser) to communicate with the remote Jupyter server. The command will not output anything if it connects correctly and should be left running in the background while accessing the remote Jupyter server.
With the SSH tunnel established, it is now possible to connect to the JupyterLab session from a web browser.
Open a web browser on your computer, and go to the address
substituting <TOKEN>
for the authentication token in JupyterLab's output. For example, using the token from the above output, the address would be http://localhost:8888/lab?token=c5185e5adb2574941d4f5136a7df23e3a441b56452bf9db0
This should connect the browser through to the JupyterLab server running on a compute node, providing access to the compute node via interactive notebook, console, and terminal interfaces:
When finished working in JupyterLab, shut down the server using the File > Shut Down option from the JupyterLab menu
The job should be cancelled automatically once the server has shut down.
If there is an issue with shutting down JupyterLab from the browser interface, connect to the login node via SSH and use the scancel
command to manually end the job
scancel <JOB_ID>
substituting <JOB_ID>
for the job ID output by the sbatch
command used to the start the job.
Use a custom Jupyter kernel in a JupyterLab session¶
This guide outlines a procedure for creating a Jupyter kernel based on a custom Conda environment or Python virtual environment and using this in a JupyterLab session.
Creating a Jupyter kernel for a Conda environment or Python virtual environment enables software installed in that environment (e.g. for machine learning, data analysis, or other workloads) to be used interactively in a Jupyter notebook or console.
Creating a kernel spec¶
Jupyter kernels can be registered for use in JupyterLab by creating a kernel spec.
A kernel spec for an IPython kernel with access to (Python) software installed in a Conda environment or Python virtual environment can be created using the ipykernel package.
See below for how to create a kernel spec from a Conda environment and a Python virtual environment.
1. Initial setup¶
Connect to a login node over SSH, following the instructions in the guide on logging in.
On the login node, activate the Conda base environment, e.g. for Conda installed using the instructions to install Conda
source ~/miniforge3/bin/activate
Connect to a login node over SSH, following the instructions in the guide on logging in.
If necessary, load a suitable version of Python into the shell environment, e.g. by loading the cray-python
module load cray-python
2. Create the environment¶
Create a Conda environment containing the software packages to be used in a Jupyter session and the ipykernel package, e.g. using this example Conda environment definition file
name: data-analysis-env
- conda-forge
- nodefaults
- python >= 3.10
- ipykernel # to create Jupyter kernels
- pandas
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- matplotlib
- seaborn
and the conda env create
conda env create --file data-analysis-example-environment.yml
This will create an environment containing the ipykernel
package and a number of Python packages for data analysis and visualisation.
Using an existing Conda environment
To enable a kernel spec to be created for an existing Conda environment, install the ipykernel package into that environment using conda install
, e.g.
conda install -n <ENV_NAME> ipykernel
substituting <ENV_NAME>
for the name of the already created Conda environment.
Create a Python virtual environment and install the ipykernel package alongside any other packages needed in this environment e.g. using this example requirements file
ipykernel # to create Jupyter kernels
python -m venv --upgrade-deps ~/venvs/data-analysis-venv
~/venvs/data-analysis-venv/bin/python -m pip install -r data-analysis-example-requirements.txt
This will create an environment containing the ipykernel
package and a number of Python packages for data analysis and visualisation.
Using an existing Python virtual environment
To enable a kernel spec to be created for an existing Python virtual environment, install the ipykernel package into that environment using python -m pip install
, e.g.
<VENV_PATH>/bin/python -m pip install ipykernel
substituting <VENV_PATH>
for the path where the virtual environment was created.
Don't forget the ipykernel
The ipykernel
package must be installed in the environment you wish to create a Jupyter kernel for.
This is used to create and install the kernel spec needed by Jupyter to make use of the kernel.
3. Install the kernel spec¶
Activate the environment, e.g. using the example environment
conda activate data-analysis-env
Now run the python -m ipykernel install
command to install a kernel spec for the activated environment (in the default user location searched by Jupyter)
python -m ipykernel install --user --name "data-analysis-env" --display-name "Python (data-analysis-env)"
This will install the kernel spec for the activated environment in the default user location searched by Jupyter. On Linux this is ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels
. The value of the --name
argument should be a unique name for the kernel spec, to be used internally by Jupyter as an identifier for the kernel. The value of --display-name
is displayed in the Jupyter web interface.
Use an environment variable to name your kernel spec
You can use the CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV
environment variable to get the name of the currently activated Conda environment, so the following general command will create a kernel spec for an activated environment with --name
and --display-name
based on the environment name
python -m ipykernel install --user --name "${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV}" --display-name "Python (${CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV})"
The python -m ipykernel install
command should produce output stating the location of the kernel spec, e.g.
Installed kernelspec data-analysis-env in /lus/lfs1aip1/home/username/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/data-analysis-env
Activate the virtual environment, e.g. using the example environment
source ~/venvs/data-analysis-venv/bin/activate
Now run the python -m ipykernel install
command to install a kernel spec for the activated environment (in the default user location searched by Jupyter)
python -m ipykernel install --user --name "data-analysis-venv" --display-name "Python (data-analysis-venv)"
This will install the kernel spec for the activated environment in the default user location searched by Jupyter. On Linux this is ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels
. The value of the --name
argument should be a unique name for the kernel spec, to be used internally by Jupyter as an identifier for the kernel. The value of --display-name
is displayed in the Jupyter web interface.
Use an environment variable to name your kernel spec
You can use the VIRTUAL_ENV
environment variable to get the name of the currently activated virtual environment, so the following general command will create a kernel spec for an activated virtual environment with --name
and --display-name
based on the environment name
python -m ipykernel install --user --name "$(basename ${VIRTUAL_ENV})" --display-name "Python ($(basename ${VIRTUAL_ENV}))"
The python -m ipykernel install
command should produce output stating the location of the kernel spec, e.g.
Installed kernelspec data-analysis-venv in /lus/lfs1aip1/home/username/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/data-analysis-venv
Deactivate the environment¶
Deactivate the environment, e.g. by closing the terminal or running
conda deactivate
Deactivate the environment, e.g. by closing the terminal or running
Launching a custom kernel in a Jupyter session¶
Once created using the above instructions, the custom Jupyter kernel should be available to launch from a JupyterLab/Jupyter Notebook session submitted as a job to compute node (as described in the guide on starting interactive JupyterLab sessions on a compute node), e.g.
In this example, selecting the "Python (data-analysis-env)" button under "Notebook" or "Console" in the Launcher tab will start an interactive notebook or console session using the kernel associated with the data-analysis-env
Launching a notebook or console using a custom kernel for an environment will allow the packages installed in that environment to be used in the notebook, e.g. using Pandas installed in the example data analysis environment in an notebook
See the JupyterLab User Guide for further information on working with kernels in JupyterLab
Managing kernel specs¶
Installed kernel specs can be managed using jupyter kernelspec
subcommands. To list the kernels available to Jupyter use
jupyter kernelspec list
Running jupyter kernelspec
The jupyter kernelspec
command will need to be run in a context where the jupyter
command is available (e.g. after activating the jupyter-user-env
Conda environment created in the guide on starting interactive JupyterLab sessions on a compute node).
The output of jupyter kernelspec list
should include the kernel spec installed previously, e.g.
$ jupyter kernelspec list
Available kernels:
python3 /lus/lfs1aip1/home/username/miniforge3/envs/jupyter-user-env/share/jupyter/kernels/python3
data-analysis-env /lus/lfs1aip1/home/username/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/data-analysis-env
To remove a kernel spec, use
jupyter kernelspec remove <KERNEL_NAME>
replacing <KERNEL_NAME>
with the name of the kernel in the jupyter kernelspec list
output. See jupyter kernelspec --help
for further management subcommands.
Further information on Jupyter kernels¶
For further details on creating IPython/Jupyter kernels see IPython documentation.
For information on the search path for kernel specs and their internal structure, see the Jupyter Client documentation