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Connect using MobaXterm


To work through this guide you must:

  • Be a member of an active project in the BriCS portal.
  • Have followed the instructions in the Log in guide to set your short name and authenticated to create a valid SSH certificate for connecting to BriCS facilities (using the clifton command line tool).

Depending on which service you are connecting to, some of the settings below will change. Refer to this table to check:

Resource Remote host Gateway host
Isambard 3
Isambard 3 MACS

Your username can vary between resources and between projects. You can run clifton ssh-config and find your username under the Host sections at the end. It will look like bob.j5b or jane.e7a where the second part if the ID of your project.

Start up MobaXterm and create a new SSH session:

  1. Set the "Remote host" to the appropriate value from the table above.
  2. Check "Specify username" and enter your username as described above.
  3. Under the "Advanced SSH settings" tab:
    • Uncheck "X11-Forwarding".
    • Ensure "Remote environment" is set to "Interactive shell".
    • Check "Use private key" and set it to the location of your private key, e.g. the file called id_ed25519 or id_rsa.
    • Under "Expert SSH settings" check "Allow agent forwarding".
  4. Under the "Network settings" tab click the "SSH gateway (jump host)" button:
    • Set "Gateway host" to the appropriate value from the table above.
    • Set your username to the same as above.
    • Check "Use SSH key" and set it to the same path as used above.
  5. Click "OK".
  6. You can now connect to the server.