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Setting up Spack

Isambard-AI and Isambard 3 have similar architecture based on ARM (or more specifically aarch64) based on the Nvidia Grace design. Isambard-AI will obviously support using CUDA whilst Isambard 3 is a traditional CPU. This will become important when building software later.

Downloading Spack

First a decision has to be made to stay with a stable version or keep to the latest development version. For beginners we would recommend sticking with a stable numbered version. Change to a location such as your home directory or project location.

$ git clone --depth=2 --branch=releases/v0.23

Spack repository size

Spack is a large repository with a long history and large number of files. Using the recommended git command limits the size of the download.

Making Spack available

The easiest way to make Spack available is to load the setup script which provides everything you need to start with Spack.

$ . spack/share/spack/

The command spack should now work and one simple check would be to use spack arch.

$ spack arch

The output shows that Spack has detected the platform as linux, the operating system as sles15 and the target architecture as neoverse_v2.

Initial configuration

To help with an initial configuration, we have created another repository which can be cloned, either at particular version or the latest version by omitting --branch v1.0.

$ git clone --depth 1 --branch v1.0

Sense check

There should now be 2 directories, spack and buildit.

Creating an environment

Using easy-to-load spack environments helps to isolate software (similar to python environments). A basic environment can be used, including a known working basic configuration. To resolve conflicts with user configuration, set SPACK_DISABLE_LOCAL_CONFIG=true.


Setting default values

Environment variables such as SPACK_DISABLE_LOCAL_CONFIG can be set in .bash_profile

To create a spack environment using a local directory.

$ spack env create -d myenv
==> Created independent environment in: ./myenv
==> Activate with: spack env activate ./myenv

As described the environment can be activated.

$ spack env activate ./myenv

Initialising the environment

An environment can be configured modifying the spack.yaml inside the directory ./myenv. It is easier to use spack commands to perform validation of options. Note the use of Spack version and facility name.

$ spack config add -f buildit/config/aip1/v0.23/linux/compilers.yaml
$ spack config add -f buildit/config/aip1/v0.23/packages.yaml
$ spack config add view:true
$ spack config add concretizer:unify:true
$ spack config add concretizer:reuse:false
$ spack config add -f buildit/config/3/v0.23/linux/compilers.yaml
$ spack config add -f buildit/config/3/v0.23/packages.yaml
$ spack config add view:true
$ spack config add concretizer:unify:true
$ spack config add concretizer:reuse:false
$ spack config add -f buildit/config/macs3/v0.23/linux/compilers.yaml
$ spack config add -f buildit/config/macs3/v0.23/packages.yaml
$ spack config add view:true
$ spack config add concretizer:unify:true
$ spack config add concretizer:reuse:false

The environment can be checked by listing available compilers.

$ spack compiler list
$ spack compiler list
==> Available compilers
-- cce sles15-aarch64 -------------------------------------------
[email protected]

-- gcc sles15-aarch64 -------------------------------------------
[email protected]  [email protected]

-- nvhpc sles15-any ---------------------------------------------
[email protected]
$ spack compiler list
==> Available compilers
-- cce sles15-aarch64 -------------------------------------------
[email protected]

-- gcc sles15-aarch64 -------------------------------------------
[email protected]  [email protected]

-- nvhpc sles15-any ---------------------------------------------
[email protected]
==> Available compilers
-- cce sles15-x86_64 --------------------------------------------
[email protected]

-- gcc sles15-x86_64 --------------------------------------------
[email protected]  [email protected]

-- nvhpc sles15-any ---------------------------------------------
[email protected]

Configuring your environment

Some useful configuration is to include a useful software repository and to add software.

Adding a repository

Spack comes with a huge catalogue of Spack packages (just try typing spack list)

Sometimes a package is not available or requires a fix, one way to provide this is via an alternative repository.

$ spack repo add ./buildit/repo/v0.23/isamrepo
==> Added repo with namespace 'isamrepo'.

This can provide extra packages that can eventually be fed upstream into Spack.

Adding software

Inside an environment we can add software. This does not install any software, just adds the software to the environment.

$ spack add osu-micro-benchmarks
==> Adding osu-micro-benchmarks to environment ./myenv

This will use the default compiler and providers for libraries such as MPI. The command spack concretize will make sure all software added to the environment is consistent.

$ spack concretize
==> Concretized 1 spec:
[+]  tr2qnpy  [email protected]%[email protected]~cuda~graphing~papi~rocm build_system=autotools arch=linux-sles15-neoverse_v2
[e]  uufu55a      ^[email protected]%[email protected]+wrappers build_system=generic arch=linux-sles15-neoverse_v2
[+]  q7s3kil      ^[email protected]%[email protected] build_system=generic arch=linux-sles15-neoverse_v2
[e]  bfrxf7f      ^[email protected]%[email protected] build_system=autotools arch=linux-sles15-neoverse_v2
[e]  jieai2h      ^[email protected]%[email protected]~guile build_system=generic patches=ca60bd9,fe5b60d arch=linux-sles15-neoverse_v2
[+]  g3ryeum      ^gnuconfig@2024-07-27%[email protected] build_system=generic arch=linux-sles15-neoverse_v2

If the concretize provides a sensible set of options the package can be installed.

$ spack install

This will produce a lot of output for the first-time and will be installed in spack/opt/spack/linux-sles15-neoverse_v2 but the environment will create a "view" of the install for the user to easily use. After an install it is worth deactivating and activating the environment to make sure it is all loaded.

$ spack env deactivate && spack env activate ./myenv

Check that the application was installed, in this case osu_latency should now be found.

$ which osu_latency

The installed packages can also be found using spack find.

$ spack find
==> In environment ./myenv
==> 1 root specs
[+] osu-micro-benchmarks

-- linux-sles15-neoverse_v2 / [email protected] ------------------------
[email protected]   [email protected]   gnuconfig@2024-07-27
[email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected]
==> 6 installed packages
==> 0 concretized packages to be installed (show with `spack find -c`)

Deactivating an environment

Deactivating an environment is a simple command

$ spack env deactivate


In summary the use of Spack with environments gives a clear record of what was installed and in a consistent unified way. The applications are installed without the need to use modules to load the software and are available from the command line.